SAP Overview

Ridge Student Assistance Counselors

Mr. Chad Gillikin Mrs. Rebecca Tritt

Grades 10 & 11   Grades 9 & 12

(908) 204-2585, ext: 105   (908) 204-2585, ext: 145

Counseling Suite     Counseling Suite


Confidentiality laws regulating Substance Abuse professionals is located in the Federal Regulations, Title 42, (42 CFR).  With regard to school-based substance abuse professionals, this authority is referred to in the New Jersey Administrative Code, 6A:16-3.2 wherein it states: “Each district board of education shall assure compliance with the following confidentiality requirements:

In most cases, only the standard exceptions to this law apply; these are: when a student gives written consent; when a crime has been threatened; under a proper court order; if a student presents as a threat to hurt themselves or others; or a student makes allegations of child abuse or neglect. 

What is the Student Assistance Program?

Ridge High School has established a comprehensive Student Assistance Program to address the various needs of students and families.  Student assistance programs are designed to help students and their families with problems that are affecting their personal lives and academic performance. The Student Assistance Program Intervention and Prevention efforts include assessment, short-term confidential counseling, group counseling, referrals and collaboration with parents and other systems. If ongoing therapy is indicated, referrals are made to private practitioners and/or appropriate community agencies. 

What does a Student Assistance Counselor (SAC) do?

A SAC  provides assistance to the students having school-related, personal, or family difficulties due to behavioral and psychosocial problems that include but are not limited to the following: Alcohol/drug use, eating disorders, depression, lack of appropriate peer interaction, or a loss of a loved one. 

Student Assistance Counselors (SAC) look to provide support to the student and prevent personal difficulties from interfering with their success not only  in the school environment, but in life.

SAC's collaborate with parents, guidance, child study team, staff and outside stakeholders in an effort to determine effective strategies to best support the student.  The Student Assistance Counselor gets to know students in order to help them manage common adolescent obstacles from a strengths-based perspective.  

How can the Student Assistance Counselor help?

The SAC may provide assistance with social and emotional concerns (mental health, substance, bullying) that includes, but not limited to:

SAC 2020: Health 9 WITH EMAILS.mp4

Meet your Student Assistance Counselors


Check out the Student Assistance Counselor's welcome video to the left