Student Resources

Self Care Plan Template

Coping with Stress

Here are some healthy ways to cope with stress:

Article to the Right:
Anxiety in the Classroom is an online resource center for school personnel, students, and their families.

This website provides useful information, resources, and materials about anxiety and OCD as they relate to the school setting. In addition, it offers specific tools for teachers, administrators, and other school personnel who may work with students with anxiety and/or OCD. Parents and students can also find tools and information to help them advocate for school accommodations, as well as to educate their teachers and classmates about OCD and anxiety.

This section of Anxiety in the Classroom includes resources for students - including those who live with anxiety and/or OCD, and their siblings.  No matter how old you are, from K-12 through college/university, Anxiety in the Classroom can serve as an effective tool for you! 

Learn how to create your own Quit Plan
following 6 easy steps