Attendance Office
Attendance Office:
Room 200
Room 200
Attendance Secretary: Georgiana Paril
Attendance Office Phone #: 908-204-2585 X200
Attendance Office FAX #: 908-552-7397
Attendance Procedures
Absence from School
Notification must be made prior to 9:00 a.m. on the morning of the absence (do NOT call the Nurse/Health Office) by the Parent/Guardian.
Attendance notification is available via Genesis or phone. The process is simple and easy. It can be done in advance and for multiple days.
If there is no answer, leave a message on the voicemail. Please spell your child’s name and indicate grade and the reason for the absence.
If the student has seen a physician for any reason relating to the absence, they they must bring the note to the Attendance Office within three days following the absence. After processing attendance records, these notes will then be forwarded to the Health Office for their recordkeeping.
Arrival to School
Daily Arrival Procedures
ALL students are expected to be IN class and READY to participate by 8:20 a.m. Once in the building students should proceed directly to class. They should NOT congregate in large spaces prior to Block 1. *** ANY student bringing a note for attendance MUST report to the Attendance Office upon arrival to school, regardless of what is listed below.
Prior to 7:45 a.m.
Students will be allowed to enter the building beginning at 7:45 a.m. Students will not be allowed to enter the building prior to this time.
7:45 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Students must enter through the main entrance at the front of the building.
They will be able to wait in the cafeteria until 8:00 a.m.
Students with an Early Morning Pass email from a teacher may show the email to the campus monitor and then report to the appropriate classroom.
8:00 a.m. to 8:19 a.m.
Students are able to enter the building through one of the following entrances:
Main Entrance, Gym Lobby Rear Entrance, PAC Entrance, 700 Entrance
Buses drop students at the PAC Entrance.
Students being driven to school should be dropped off:
at the front of the building and use either the Canopy or Main Entrances
at Cedar Hill and may use the Rear Gym Lobby Entrance
Students with approved parking spots may park in the upper lot and enter through the 700 Entrance
Students must report directly to class. If they are not in their class by 8:20 a.m., they will be marked late to class and late to school by their teacher.
8:20 a.m. - 8:29 a.m.
Students may enter through the Main Entrance, the Rear Gym Lobby Entrance, the PAC Lobby Entrance and the 700 Entrance.
Students are allowed to proceed directly to class.
8:30 a.m. -
Students must enter through the Main Entrance.
They must report to the Attendance Office.
They will check in with an attendance officer in the Attendance Office, be marked tardy to school, and allowed to proceed directly to class.
Late In/Early Out
Approved students in Grades 11 and 12 who have a study hall are able to arrive late when their study hall is Block 1 and leave early when their study hall is Block 6.
If a student is NOT approved for this program, they may NOT miss school on a regular basis even if they have a scheduled study hall.
Students will only be released if appropriate documentation is provided.
Program Information here - Coming soon
Program Contract here - Coming soon
Senior Honors Incentive Program (SHIP)
Seniors in good standing may apply for SHIP privileges for MP4.
Approved applicants are allowed to leave school:
When their study hall falls Block 1, 3, 4, and 6
During Unit Lunch
Program Information Here (opens Marking Period 3)
Program Application Here (opens Marking Period 3)
Early Dismissals
Please notify the Attendance Office of an early dismissal through the Genesis Parent Portal.
If your student is bringing in a note, it will be phone verified by the Attendance Office.
Students will only be released if appropriate documentation is provided.
They may NOT miss school on a regular basis even if they have a scheduled study hall unless approved for LIEO or SHIP.
If a student is already at school and an unforeseen event requires an unplanned early dismissal, please CALL the Attendance Office with your request.
If and ONLY if you need to call the Attendance Office and leave a message, please confirm the student’s name, grade, reason for and time of early dismissal. To avoid confusion, please be sure to spell your child’s name. If a message is not left for the Attendance Office, the written parent note must contain the phone number(s) where confirmation can be made.
The student must visit the Attendance Office to acquire the early dismissal pass to show their teacher in order to leave the classroom prior to leaving school.
In the event of illness, students must go to the Health Office which will contact a parent if a dismissal is deemed necessary.
Students should not contact parents directly for a dismissal.
Unconfirmed requests will not be honored.
Late to Class
An unauthorized late to class in excess of fifteen minutes will be recorded as both a chargeable absence and may result in a loss of credit. Frequent lateness may result in disciplinary consequences.
Class Cutting and Truancy
The grade level administrator will contact parents appropriate and progressive combinations of consequences, education and incentives will be applied as necessary.
Under no circumstances are students to assume that the teacher/substitute will not appear for class if the teacher/substitute is not present when class is to begin. After ten minutes, a member of the class should report to the Main Office to inform the administration while the rest of the class remains in the room. Students who leave without following this procedure will receive a cut.
Students are encouraged to schedule personal and medical appointments after school or on weekends because of the possible withdrawal of course credit due to excessive absences from class.