Hire Professionals to Teach In Schools

In many schools, gym teachers and other faculty members double as sex education instructors which is less effective than hiring professionals to teach in schools. When talking about LGBTQ+ identities, bringing in actual LGBTQ+ adults to speak about their experiences makes students who are a part of the community feel accepted and validated.

Unfortunately, not all schools will be able to afford this. This solution would be out of the question for schools with lower budgets that struggle to just get by. At best, implementation would be inconsistent across the country. For this to be plausible, local and state governments would have to redistribute funding from abstinence-only programs to schools to spend on these programs.

In many families, sex/sexuality is an avoided subject, and parents believe that children should not be exposed to these topics until adulthood. These parents would oppose the decision to teach more in-depth sex education to younger audiences in schools. On the other hand, there are also families that realize that children and teens will find information about topics they are curious about easily, whether it is through the internet or their social circles, and it is important for children to get safe and reliable information at younger ages so they can make better decisions in their formative years. The internet tends to cause children to mature faster than they need to, as it also causes developmental issues, and comprehensive sex education at a young age would combat issues of unhealthy sexual influences on the internet, such as graphic pornography and over-sexualization.