Our Experience

Get to know a little about us, the creators of this website, and what we gained from this project.

Alessia Noble

I am Alessia Noble and I am a junior at Ridge High School. After becoming politically aware leading up to and following the 2016 presidential election, I adamantly emphasized the importance of activism. A key facet of this is sex education, an issue that I believe deserves more national attention since it impacts virtually everyone within the United States. Before this project, I had a very shallow understanding of how difficult it is to create nationally relevant legislation. Researching how to implement a solution to a widespread problem required me to expand my understanding of policy creation and implementation. I learned that truly delving into an issue is the only way to understand that policy is not black and white; there are many intricacies that must be taken into consideration in order to formulate a long-lasting and effective solution. While a specific solution may work in one area, it could devastate another. I had to evaluate the structure of government to understand what solution would better all schools across the nation. I had to look into the nuances of funding at a national, state, and local level. I know I am incredibly privileged to live in a district where I receive accurate sexual education, and my goal is to ensure that other teenagers are given access to the same information. Our group learned that we have the power to positively impact others. This project was a great experience, as it has real-world implications and is extremely relevant. As I am interested in going into psychology, I have an interest in exploring the mental effect that improved sex education will have on teenagers as they grow into adulthood.

Hannah PernĂ­a

The issue of lack of proper sex education is a topic I think is very important for legislators to be thinking about, so taking part in this project was a great opportunity for me to learn more and to try and inspire change. Working on Project Citizen helped me realize that even high schoolers are able to make an impact, and speaking up is important when you see something that needs change. From my own experiences and seeing my classmates in school, it's clear that the US needs better requirements and curriculum for sex education, as it teaches necessary skills and facts that help keep teens safe and informed. It's frustrating that students in different parts of the country are receiving different sex education, and the statistics prove that rates of STDs, STIs, teen pregnancies, etc. are higher in areas with a less comprehensive curriculum. Working with like-minded people who are equally passionate about this issue and being able to come up with a solution has been very rewarding, and helped me step out of my comfort zone. I learned a lot about how policies are made and what needs to happen to put one in place, and I'm more interested in making my voice heard now that I've experienced this process myself.

Sohana Damani

My name is Sohana Damani and I am a junior at Ridge High School in Basking Ridge, NJ. Some of my interests include film and fencing. I would describe myself as an avid learner, and Project Citizen has really helped my knowledge on the flaws of sexual education standards in the US. As someone who comes from a conservative family, I never got a proper sex education, and it made me realize the depth of the issue when it came to schools picking up the slack in departments that were not covered in an appropriate manner in one's homelife. Seeing and realizing that New Jersey is one of the most liberal and progressive states when it comes to sex ed was eye-opening to me because while New Jersey is ahead of other states, it also is not perfect. I realized that a lot of the states have no sex education requirement at all, giving an incredible disadvantage to those affected. This is not right, and this is why this project was so important to me. It was also crucial to learn about the environment around her, and to see about the curriculum being implemented in her own school. By interviewing vital members of the health education curriculum in Ridge High, we were given an understanding of how much work and effort goes into making something that will satisfy the government as well as the parents and students of the Bernards Township Area.

Megan Amendola

I have known for a while that political science is something that I want to explore in higher education, and Project Citizen has allowed me to further this interest with a hands on application. Sex education is a topic that deeply interests me, and researching and laying out the flaws which directly impact me and so many of my classmates, as well as proposing a solution and learning the inner workings of the government, has tended to my already sparked interest in public policy. This project gave me the opportunity to speak up about the shortcomings of sex education for marginalized and underrepresented identities. Throughout this project, there were several struggles, namely coming up with a solution that would be applicable to all states within the United States, because, as our group learned, legislation on education is a power that each individual states hold. Working around this obstacle and providing a solution that would make the majority of people in the country satisfied was definitely an challenge, but in the end the group was able to propose a solution with the opinions of everyone in mind, either playing to their dissatisfaction with the current sex education policy, or by appealing to their desire for additional funding for their states. In the future, I desire to major in public policy or political science. This project has helped confirm to me that continuing to advocate for underrepresented groups in society is something I would like to be able to do for the rest of my life.

McLain Ward

With a passion for education, I saw Project Citizen as an opportunity to highlight something I feel needs to change within the system. Sex education was always a difficult concept for me to grasp at a young age due to the system in which I was taught it. I understand that New Jersey is one of the more progressive states regarding sexual education and through this project, I have learned that many states have it worse. I feel that sex education is something that needs to be increased with higher standards and this project really helped open my eyes to flaws within sexual education in this country. I am thankful that Project Citizen has given me and my classmates the opportunity to speak out for those students who feel underrepresented and confused by the sex education they are receiving. Participating in Project Citizen has taught me the complexity of solving these types of issues in our country and has helped me to understand each aspect in more depth. Our group faced many challenges while finding the most productive solution for this problem, but we were able to overcome this by continuing to research to gain a better understanding of the necessary funding. Through my participation in this project, I have learned about the policy-making process in our government and the importance of using your voice to promote policies for things you are passionate about. This project has gained significance for me because it made me realize that I have a voice even as a young student and have become a lot more passionate about creating a more inclusive education system for all students through my work on this project.

Libby Schmitt

I am Libby Schmitt and am a junior at Ridge High School. Since my seventh grade sex education health class I was interested in this topic. Though we had a fairly comprehensive curriculum, I wanted to further educate myself. Talking with friends from other states, I was shocked to hear about their "abstinence only" curriculums. When Project Citizen was announced, I was anxious to get started on this topic. Project Citizen has allowed me and my classmates to further explore this issue and what we can do to help. We experienced difficulty with our solution and ensuring it was within our reach. After some trial and error we discovered the optimal solution: a categorical grant. We feel strongly that this will incentivize states to adopt our comprehensive sex education curriculum. I have gained a lot from this experience, but mainly the ability to advocate for something I feel strongly about. We thank Project Citizen for allowing us to delve deeper into this topic and produce something special.