Possible Solutions

Please click the links within the subtitles below to view the provided possible solutions.

In many schools, gym teachers and other faculty members double as sex education instructors, which is less effective than hiring professionals to teach in schools. Multiple organizations offer teaching services for schools, which would be more effective, as well as bringing in LGBTQ+ adults to speak when teaching about the LGBTQ+ community. Bringing in professionals is important in validating students and helping them to feel more accepted in their classrooms.

The federal government would issue a categorical grant for all states that adopt features from New Jersey's sex education curriculum. Money should not be a limiting factor that prevents one from receiving an education crucial to their development. Thus, this solution allows all districts the opportunity to fix their sexual education lessons without having to re-adjust their budget.

In order to make information easily accessible to students, providing resources outside of the classroom is an alternative option for sexual education. This is a loose situation, but it gives students the opportunity to seek out information that they feel they are missing in their sex education. This would allow children to be able to view content that is relevant to their situation without placing the responsibility on the school or administrators.