Action Plan

The Plan:

Implement an excise tax on alcohol within each state, with the taxed money being used to fund education and repair infrastructure if the states adopt the revamped New Jersey Sex Education Curriculum.

Currently, the New Jersey sex education curriculum is the ideal blueprint for other states. It teaches gender and sexuality, and has the goal of focusing on “healthy relationships with family and friends, as well as positive and healthy sexual development." The standards also emphasize abstinence as the reliable fallback to sexual activity, while also covering the prevention of unhealthy behaviors that might lead to HIV infection, STIs, and pregnancy. The standards help students understand the demands of pregnancy and parenting, according to the New Jersey Department of Education. The current curriculum includes that schools must adhere to:

  • Teach sex education

  • Stress abstinence

  • Include information about sexual orientation and gender identity

  • Include instruction on consent

  • Teach medically accurate information

  • Allow parents to opt a child out of the course if it goes against religious beliefs

All of these requirements are important to the integrity of sex education in schools and the respect of each and every individual in order to provide for a more inclusive, educated population.

The Main Goal:

  • Implement an excise tax on alcohol sales

  • Use the taxed money for a categorical grant for states to use on public school sex education as well as infrastructure

      • This categorical grant would be given to all states that adopt the New Jersey sex education curriculum

Reduced Sexual Assults

LGBTQ+ Acceptance

Lower Teen Pregnancy Rates

Plan Approval

New Jersey Sex Education Curriculum Reform:

New Jersey state legislators would be the ones to vote to approve this proposal, and The Department of Health and Human Services is going to be responsible for issuing the tax.

Policymakers respond to public opinion because they want to carry out popular agendas to stay popular, in hopes of reelection. The public communicates its opinion to public officials because they want to see bills passed that fit their interests in order to better their lives and their communities.

Categorical Grant for Implementation in Other States:

Federal legislators have the decision-making power as this part of our solution is concerned with the federal budget; Congress has the power to adjust the budget to accommodate the categorical grants that would be given to schools.

Our funding is coming from an excise tax that is going to be applied to retail alcohol sales.

A high level of public support is necessary for our policy to be passed because sex education is often a controversial topic, and people are very sensitive to issues that concern education and possibly changing the curriculum. To ensure the public is on board, we will take the time to highlight all of the positives of our plan. We can target each affected demographic with a pertinent list of the benefits involved if the New Jersey curriculum was to be implemented in other states.