WAMS (Grades 6-8) Mathematics Program Information
Important Documents and Information for Grades 6-8 Mathematics:
Mathematics Course Sequence Charts/Information: Information for Scheduling Purposes for Next Year:
Current Course Sequence Information:
Seventh Grade Algebra I Entrance Criteria:
Students must meet the specified criteria as noted in the Mathematics Entrance Criteria document for the Accelerated Algebra 1 in Grade 7.
Criteria is evaluated annually and posted on this website in the spring of the prior school year.
Grade 9 Algebra II Honors Alternative Path
Over the summer, eligible incoming grade 9 students (current grade 8 students) will have an opportunity to take a 7 week intensive Geometry course, as a means to on-ramp into Honors Algebra II starting in 9th grade. This pathway replaced the former Summer Algebra I alternative pathway once offered many years ago to eligible seventh grade students. Students must meet the specified criteria as noted in the Mathematics Entrance Criteria document for the Grade 9 Algebra II Honors Alternative Path.
Detailed information about this program can be found in the document below.
Please note, students need to formally apply in order to be considered. The application link can be found in the document below and is due by May 3rd, 2024. The application must be filled out using the student's @bernardsboe.com account.