Decisions and Enrolling
When: January, February, March of 8th grade
What to do:
Independent/Boarding Schools
You have done all of the hard work of exploring schools, applying, scheduling testing and visits, and much more. Many schools will notify families of their decisions right before winter break or during the month of January. Boarding schools typically announce decisions on or around March 10. Some schools have rolling admissions. Once you have heard back from schools, you will need to determine what the best match is for your child.
8th grade conferences are held in January (not March as for the rest of the school) in order to provide you a chance to ask questions and get information that might be helpful to you in making a final selection of schools.
Contact your language arts "point person" with any specific questions you may want to discuss prior to the conference so we can be prepared to help you.
Each school will have its own enrollment process.
Many will do additional placement testing, especially for math, sometime in the spring.
You will also most likely engage in course selection.
There are often accepted student celebration events scheduled.
Public Schools
While we cannot attend IEP meetings, we are happy to take a look at draft IEP/504 plan documents and provide feedback.
If you have any questions throughout the process of enrolling at your local public high school, please let us know.