Dance II, Principles of Dance II (Drill Team)

03830200 Dance II, Principles of Dance II (Drill Team)

Recommended Grade Levels: 10-12

Prerequisite: Dance I, Principles of Dance I (Drill Team) and Audition - Must be a current Brahmadora 

Credit: 1

Description: Dance students develop perceptual thinking and movement abilities in daily life, promoting an understanding of themselves and others. Students develop movement principles and technical skills and explore choreographic and performance qualities. Students develop self-discipline and healthy bodies that move expressively, efficiently, and safely through space and time with a sensitive kinesthetic awareness. Students recognize dance as a vehicle for understanding historical and cultural relevance, increasing an awareness of heritage and traditions of their own and others, and enabling them to participate in a diverse society. Evaluating and analyzing dance allows students to strengthen decision-making skills, develop critical and creative thinking, and develop artistic and creative processes. Students continue to explore technology and its application to dance and movement, enabling them to make informed decisions about dance. 

The dance/drill team studies a variety of modern dance, ballet, tap, and jazz.  The students perform at specified school and community events.  For further information, see the dance instructor or counselor