Technology Pathway

The Technology Pathway consists of three Programs of Study to help our students become Future Ready once they graduate from Bellville High School.  This experience that started with exposure for our Elementary students and exploration with our Junior High students culminates with our High School students building expertise in Programs of Study by completing an Industry Recognized Certification, attaining an Associate Degree, and/or performing at a superior level.  Each Program of Study contains the Secondary courses students will take in Bellville Junior High and Bellville High School.  You can explore each Program of Study in this Pathway by clicking on the links below. You can also find a document containing all the Academies, Pathways, and Programs of Study and the course sequences for all the Programs of Study by clicking here.

The Digital Design program of study explores the occupations and educational opportunities associated with designing or creating graphics to meet specific commercial or promotional needs, such as packaging, displays, or logos. This program of study may also include exploration into designing clothing and accessories, and creating special effects, animation, or other visual images using film, video, computers, or other electronic tools and media, for use in computer games, movies, music videos, and commercials. 

The Digital Communications program of study explores the occupations and educational opportunities associated with the production of audio and visual media formats for various purposes, such as TV broadcasts, advertising, video production, or motion pictures. This program of study may also include exploration into operating machines and equipment to record sound and images, such as microphones, sound speakers, video screens, projectors, video monitors, sound and mixing boards, and related electronic equipment. 

The Computer Science program of study explores the occupations and education opportunities associated with researching, designing, developing, and testing operating systems-level software, compilers, and network distribution software for medical, industrial, military, communications, aerospace, business, scientific, and general computer applications. This program of study may also include exploration into creating, modifying, and testing the codes, forms, and script that allow computer applications to run. 

Course Sequences for Technology Pathway Programs of Study

Click on the links above for more information on each Program of Study