Room 20 Class Hub
Hi Room 20!
We once again find ourselves learning online. I am really looking forward to connecting with you during this time!
Some might find this time difficult, so do check in and support each other. Just like you all do in class!
How do I submit work?
Please create a folder on your school Google Drive named "Online Learning". Within this folder, you can make subfolders of "Reading", "Writing" and "Maths". Once you have done this, please share the "Online Learning 2021" folder with me, so I can see all of the amazing work you are uploading.
You can upload photos of written work, create documents, Google Drawings, slide and more. Please make sure every document is named and dated, so I know when the work is being completed. You don't need to share every individual document, as I have access to your Google Drive folder.
Please send me an email daily ( when you are ready for me to mark your work, just so I know when you are finished and ready for feedback.
How do I contact Mrs Pearce?
We will video call twice daily, once in the morning at 9am and once in the afternoon at 2:30pm. Please click this Google Meet Link (use this for our 9am & 2:30pm meetings)
If you need extra assistance, please email me and I will be happy to video conference you separately or answer questions via email.
Where can I find my learning?
On this website! All of your learning is down below. Please complete each activity with the day of the week and upload to your Google folder.
Homework and production information can be found by clicking the tabs at the top of the website.
Have a go at everything and try your best!
Online Learning Etiquette
When learning and interacting online there are some basic manners and etiquette to use. These are outlined below:
Listen & be present during video chats.
Mute yourself unless you need to talk.
One person talking at a time - don't interrupt.
Chat is for questions related to the topic, not your own personal chat channel.
Language is to be school appropriate.
Select clothing and a location suitable for speaking to others.
Online Learning Tips & Tricks
Learning from home can be a challenge. There a some simple things you can do to make it better for yourself, which are listed below
Have a dedicated learning space. Think of this as your desk, do your work from here each day and pack it up each day at 3pm.
Set Alarms. Use your phone or device to create a normal school routine for yourself. The closed to a normal school day you can keep it the better it will be for you once normal school resumes.
Take a break! For every 45mins staring at a screen you need a 15 minute break. Go talk to your family, play with a pet, read a book or do some exercise.
Don't stress. If something is too hard or you don't understand it thats normal, it happens to everyone. Can't concentrate? Not feeling up to online learning today? Make sure you let me know, if I don't know, I can't help!
Have fun. This is hard time for all of us so the best thing to do is smile and enjoy it. Put on some of your favourite music when independently learning, do a just dance for a break, wear a funny hat or mask to our meetings. The more we can put a smile on our faces the easier this will be!
Daily Task
Complete at least 20 minutes of Reading. If you don't have any books at home, please use the links below for reading material
Click link above
Log in with your class code - pjm6327
Select your name, and you’re in!
ReadTheory (log on with school google account, add Mrs Pearce as teacher via her email)
Watch the video to the right
Read the article below
Answer the questions below (related to the article)
Click on the link below and read the stories of Holocaust survivors
Answer the questions (these can be found to the right).
Complete the crossword (if you don't know some of the words in the word bank, look them up!).
Watch the video to the right that explains what propaganda is (It is defined as the spreading of information in order to influence public opinion and to manipulate other people’s beliefs, which happened a lot during WW2)
Take a look at the propaganda examples below and answer these questions:
What characteristics make a poster’s message more or less effective?
In what ways can propaganda be positive or negative?

How might your perceived role in the war be changed or strengthened based on propaganda?
How would the message(s) in propaganda posters have changed throughout the course of the war?
4. WWII Propaganda Poster
Create a unique propaganda poster for distribution during the war using a combination of words and images.
It can be geared towards men, women, or children and can reference any aspect of the war (rationing, enlisting, anti a particular country, patriotism, find a factory job, etc).
The intended audience must be clear by looking at the poster.
The message must make the viewer feel something (angry, sad, patriotic, vindictive, scared, proud, or it can change their opinion on their role in the war, etc).
This can be done online, but must be a high standard (hence why you are getting a few days to complete this!
Propaganda Examples:
Daily Task:
Practice basic facts (email Mrs Pearce certificate)
LEVEL FIVE (Extension)
Wearable Arts
For those that are interested, to the right is the design guide book that we have been working on at school. You are welcome to print and have a go at designing some ideas you have been working on. Parent support is encouraged if you would like to make this a family project.
You are also welcome to collect bits and pieces at home to use for your design. These could be old clothing, recycled materials, arts and craft supplies etc. See the planning and design guide for ideas.
You are also welcome to make your wearable art at home if you are able to. At this point Mrs Charlton is not worried about help from parents or other siblings as it is about spending time together.
There will be a Google Meet Thursday at 11am if you would like advice, feedback or ideas, link below:
Otherwise, please email Mrs Charlton if you need anything:
Use your artist skills to
design and create the cover of our
Madagascar Production Programmes!
There will be 4 winners!
***A4 Portrait Paper***
***Do not include any writing***
***Do not put the name of the show***
***Put your name and room number on it***
Due Date to be advised