
With each new development, the standard for Javascript and the WorldWideWeb increased as the language gained more functions and the quality of life changed. 

A timeline showing all the releases of ECMAScript from 1 up to 10. (ECMAScript standardization process, Vinícius).

Shows how ECMAScript has evolved to become more intelligent (SLF Newsroom)

ECMA2 was a major update for all the minor issues.

Implemented into most browsers at the time.  

ECMA3 introduced many major updates, and these updates acted as quality-of-life changes to the user.

This version of ECMAScript was also implemented in most browsers faster than ECMA2. 

"It introduced several important features such as regular expressions, try-catch statements, and improved string handling. "(WebReference)

ECMAScript 4 never happened hence the question mark(ECMAScript 4: The missing version).

What happened to ECMAScript 4?

ECMA5 was a long-awaited update that brought a decade's worth of ideas into the standard.

ECMAScript 5 was the fifth version of the ECMAScript standard and was released in 2009. It introduced several important features such as strict mode, JSON support, and improved array manipulation.

ECMAScript 5 was the first ECMAScript to have every single browser implement it.

ECMA6 was the final major update that ECMAScript has seen, and its functionality is what runs the modern-day web (for the most part). 

Released in 2015, ECMAScript6 introduced several important features such as let and const, arrow functions, template literals, and classes. 

ECMAScript 6 (2015) ECMAScript 6, also known as ES6 or ECMAScript 2015, marked a significant milestone in the language’s evolution. Released in 2015, it introduced a plethora of new features, syntax enhancements, and programming paradigms, making ECMAScript more powerful and versatile.” (History of JavaScript and its Evolution, Suleman Elahi)

Shows a complete timeline for ECMAScript with related events also in the timeline. (An ECMAScript timeline)