Browser Wars

After the creation of Mocha/JavaScript, there was a battle of scripts, due to Brendan’s superior scripting language, this caused companies to fight for control within the world of web development.

Logo for the reversed Engineered JavaScript, Jscript. (StackExchange, Samir)

The First Browser War

Microsoft was able to reverse engineer JavaScript. From this, They were able to stay on level terms with Netscape’s JavaScript.

Microsoft’s JScript was a major hit, skyrocketing past their competitor Netscape and their JavaScript. 

"Microsoft gained an increasingly dominant position in the browser market. By the early 2000s, Internet Explorer's market share reached 95%." (JavaScript, Wikipedia)


Microsoft lost the case, but they won their key point on appeal: The company was not forced to split itself into two, separating its operating system business and its software business.” (What Were the "Browser Wars"?, Andrew Beattie).

An image of the US vs. Microsoft court case as an abridged version. (United States VS Microsoft, Rinehart).

Excerpt from Quora post summarizing the start of the second browser war in creative ways. (Soohoo Evan)

The Second Browser war

The second browser war started as Internet Explorer did not make any developments to JScript or the browser after defeating Netscape. Thus innovation was brought by angry and enthusiastic coders. Apple joins with Webkit (the Chrome/Safari base), Netscape turns to Mozilla with a newly developed base for code (Firefox). 

Graph detailing Market share of Browsers.  (StatCounter)