Remote Learning Resources

Below are some resources that might help your child's social emotional learning while practicing physical distancing. In response to the pandemic, area district counselors created a website to promote good mental health during school closure, eventual return and recovery. It is available here.


  • Integrate dedicated family time into the day.

  • Write letters, send an email, or draw pictures and send them to family and friends

  • Showing appreciation and gratitude is mood boosting and a means for connection with others

  • Have Screen-Free meal times. Sitting together during a meal, and sharing positive messages can promote healthy relationships.

  • Play games together as a family, or invent new games to play together.

  • Use technology to stay connected to friends and family.


Mental Health

If you or a loved one needs additional mental or behavioral health services; please reach out to our partners at William James College where you will speak to a clinician who will work with you and your insurance company to access additional services.