Elementary Level

A Look at SEL in Action in Bedford – Elementary Level

Responsive Classroom is a student-centered, social and emotional learning approach to teaching and discipline. It is comprised of a set of research, and evidence-based practices designed to create safe, joyful, and engaging classrooms and school communities for both students and teachers.

Skill Development and Practice

Responsive Classroom is an approach to elementary teaching:

  • that emphasizes social, emotional and academic growth in a strong and safe school community,

  • is based on the premise that children learn best when they have both academic and social/emotional skills.

Responsive Classroom components include:

  • Morning Meeting

  • Rule Creation

  • Interactive Modeling

  • Positive Teacher Language

  • Logical Consequences

  • Guided Discovery

  • Academic Choice

  • Classroom Organization

  • Working with Families

  • Collaborative Problem Solving

Responsive Classroom is “woven” into the fabric of each student’s day providing a safe environment for children to grow both academically and socially. Each classroom begins their day with a Morning Meeting to provide an opportunity for students to connect positively as a class and gain a greater understanding of one another. Morning Meeting consists of a daily greeting, a Morning Meeting game and review of the daily schedule. Students learn and practice various social skills as part of Morning Meeting such as how to greet someone appropriately, sportsmanship, active listening skills, impulse control, flexibility, problem solving skills, body control, empathy, and acceptance of differences.

Schools implementing the Responsive Classroom approach consistently experience:

  • higher teaching quality,

  • increased student engagement,

  • academic gains,

  • fewer discipline problems.

Please see more information about SEL in Action at: Lt. Eleazer Davis Elementary School

Please see more information about SEL in Action at: Lt. Job Lane Elementary School