
Motor Activities

Easy ways to get your body moving:

Work on your posture!

  1. Stand with feet normal width apart.

2. March in place for 10 marches. Repeat 3 times.

3. In standing, reach for the sky with both hands.

4. Hold onto right wrist with left hand and slowly pull up GENTLY on your right arm. Hold for a count of 3. Stop the upward pull. Repeat 3 times total on one arm. Shake arms out and repeat on other arm.

5. Rock the baby: Fold one arm over the other arm in front of you, and slowly and gently twist side to side a total of 10 times. This can be done in sitting or standing.

6. In sitting or standing, push the palms of your hand together for a count of three, and then “switch” and hook the fingers of one hand to the other and pull hands apart. Repeat this sequence 3 times total.

7. In sitting or standing, give yourself a big hug!

Easy ways to work on fine motor skills:

Build your balance skills!

1. On a line on the floor (tape, natural floor line, etc.) take 6 steps forward, placing your heel of one foot touching your toes of your other foot as if you are walking on a balance beam. Try not to fall off!

2. Next, try number 1 but backwards.

3. In standing, put your hands on your waist. Bend your one knee so you are standing one one leg. Hold this one legged balance for as long as you can without losing your balance and without taking your hands off of your waist. Now repeat with your other leg for balance.

4. Try number 3 but this time with your eyes closed.

5. Balance a book on your head while standing. Now try to walk with the book on your head without the book falling off of your head.

6. Hop forward on a line on the floor, practicing with each leg. Try to do 6 hops forward without falling off of the line.

Sensory Activities

Different activities that will provide sensory input for your child.

Your child may be familiar with the Zones of Regulation. Use this chart to ask your child what zone they are in, and how they can move to the green zone. Discuss with your child what activities may help them move to green, complete the activity, and re-assess.

Language Activities

Strengthening language and listening skills can be as fun as these games!

  • Simon Says competition (Try using multi-step directions!)

  • Guess Who?

  • Headbandz

  • CatchPhrase and Taboo

  • Apples to Apples Junior

  • Scrabble Junior

  • Bananagrams

  • Bingo games (Make your own!)

  • MadLibs (Make sure to review the parts of speech!)

  • Any Scavenger Hunt (Make your own scavenger hunt challenges!)

  • Barrier Games (Try using legos, blocks, and found objects!)

Apps to try: