Grade/Department Specific Web links

Additional Enrichment Opportunities for Students

Go on a virtual field trip with Discovery Education.

Improve your coding skills .

Try some online puzzles with Brainzilla.

Try creating a unique piece of music or listening to a style of music that isn't on your current playlist.

Try sketching, drawing, or painting. There are lots of online tutorials. Some suggestions can be found here.

Test your Science skills with some experiments.

Choose a subject you would like to learn more about using CK-12, Khan Academy, PBS Learning, Scholastic or Brilliant Math as a guide.

Play a game such as:

Blokus Colorku

Bananagrams Uno

Scrabble Chess

Quixo Otrio

Leaps & Ledges Mancala

Headbanz Katamino

Read a book by a favorite author or start reading a series that is new to you. Epic! is a great place to find some audiobooks. Looking for some suggestions? Try clicking here.

Create a design of something that could be 3D printed using Tinkercad.

Set yourself a daily wellness goal. This could include, exercise, food, meditation, or something that will bring you joy.

Improve your math understanding with some fun Geogebra activities or try some challenging problems with Open Middle. You can also try some targeted MCAS problems.

As you play Freerice and answer questions right, advertisements appear on your screen. When you see one of these advertisements, you trigger a financial payment to the World Food Programme (WFP) to support its work saving and changing lives around the world. Categories include English, Humanities, Science, Math, Language Learning, Geography, and new category Coronavirus: Know the Facts.

WordGen Weekly uses compelling topics to engage students in meaningful academic language development work. Readings, vocabulary learning, and science and math activities that use target words. (Free parent or student account required)