School Exchange Program
We have partnered with four schools to create our sister school exchange program: IES Núñez de Arce in Valladolid, Spain; Lycée Jeanne d’Arc in Mazamet, France; and National Taichung Second Senior High School in Taichung City, Taiwan.
The purpose of our exchange program is to promote experiences that support our school mission and the IB mission including fostering an understanding of our diverse world; creating a culture of learning that promotes relevance and relationships; and developing inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
Students who participate in the exchange program host an exchange student and travel to the sister school during Intersession and April vacation. Students going abroad participate in a homestay, attend school, and go on cultural excursions. All language students are encouraged to participate in the program whenever they feel ready to. For more information, contact our Global Coordinator, Mrs. Doyle, at