Auditions and Rehearsals

Audition Information

All auditions are held in the auditorium. Come on time and be prepared to have fun and get sweaty, so dress appropriately!

For all auditions, head to the Pepsi room (room 147) to put your name on the sign-up sheet. They are open to sign up before school starts up until 3 pm. 

For musical auditions, come with 30 seconds to a minute of a song prepared. Your audition song should reflect your range and ability! Either choose a song from the musical you are auditioning for or a song that you are confident in performing in front of others. 

For musicals and plays, be prepared to read a short monologue or perform a short group side. These will be laid out before auditions begin, and you will have time to practice them before you perform them on stage. 

Check below for upcoming audition dates. These dates are usually on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Callback lists are posted Thursday night and Friday is callback day! On Friday night, the cast list is posted. 

Audition Dates TBA...

BHS Theater Rehearsal Expectations

Theatre productions are something in which limited numbers of students get to participate. Certain responsibilities accompany this privilege. How actors and crew members respond to these responsibilities often determines their success in professional, educational, or community theatre.

To engage in a successful production there are certain expectations of all those involved. These are not necessarily rules but are a matter of consideration for others and the development of good work habits.