Home of the Raccoons

Becoming physically literate is the name of the game

At Sato, our goal is to have your child become physically literate so that they are able to participate in physical activity and have the know-how to live a healthy, non-sedentary lifestyle. We encourage you to watch the video above (which we show the kids at the start of the year) for more details on what we mean.

Always be "PE Ready"

We want our students to succeed while they're in PE and that means wearing the right shoes. It is a district policy that students wear closed-toed shoes that are not heels or boots to ensure the upmost safety of the child. Help us enforce this by checking your child's schedule and knowing when they have PE!

What kind of program are we?

Physical Education has moved to a more "skills-based" approach which focuses on the various fine and gross motor skills you find in common physical activity. Some of these skills include locomotor skills like running, hopping, jumping, or galloping as well as manipulative skills like throwing, kicking, striking, or jump roping. We also incorporate non-motor skills like cooperation, teamwork, and effort. On top of the physical skill set, Sato PE also focuses on the cognitive and behavioral aspect of PE. What good is a skill if you don't know how to use it within the context of a sport or activity and how to behave within that environment? We want our students to show good sportsmanship and be able to follow the rules no matter what activity they are participating in. Finally, we incorporate many fitness components and nutrition into our lessons so students can learn how to be healthy and what activities will improve their strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance.