Sophomore Pieces

Mouse and Snake

10/ 15/17

Watercolor paint, ink marker

Sophomore year we moved past simple ink and pencil drawing and explored different paint mediums. I thoroughly enjoyed using watercolor, it connected me to my namesake. I continued to use watercolor throughout the next years of studio art. I also began seeing a pattern of the use of yellow in my pieces. This will also continue through the next years of art.



Acrylic Paint

The grip of industrialization is strong, humanity can no longer turn back.



Acrylic Paint, Glue, Transparent Paper



Watercolor, phone, cardboard box, tape, ink marker, hot glue

Inspired by the relationship of my parents. My father would call my mom no matter where in the country she was, by searching through phone books. Here a phone pulls a series of images out of the box depicting my mother and father, as well as my family.