
We saw a need for a change in court reporting schools, theory, and overall instruction,
so we decided to be the change.

A brief history

This is an online-based court reporting program, with asynchronous online instruction, guided live class sessions, homework assignments, speed tests, "office hours" with instructors via Zoom, and more!

Where we are today

Who actually knows how to do finger drills? What if I told you there's at least three different ways to do them, and they're fun?

Have you been stuck at a plateau for longer than you'd like, and you're contemplating quitting? Give us a try and we'll have you advancing in speeds in no time!

Do you struggle with knowing what to study, when, and how much? We will give you a detailed syllabus/schedule to follow, plus one-on-one advising sessions and a network of other students and working reporters to help cheer you on!