About Me

Hi! I'm Ada Cobbs (she/her)!

I'm a senior at JHS, three-year member of JAGS, four-year member of JSA, and a varsity athlete. I am on the JAGS PR team, and I run the social medias. I am on the JSA Leadership team and am currently working on the schoolhouse project with the third graders. I have been able to balance both academies very well. I think being involved in both has not only given me great opportunities but also really helped to enhance my time at JHS. 

I originally joined JAGS because all my friends were in it. I joined late, so I spent my freshman year watching all my friends have fun in the program. I joined thanks to the help of my JAGS teacher, Mrs. Mazur, who is still to this day an important mentor in my life. By becoming a member of the JAGS program, it helped me make my activism less performative and I was able to develop my global awareness. I love being in the program with people that challenge me and make me better everyday. 

For my capstone, I am doing my research on social media and the effects it has on different relationships (body image, parasocial, confidence, personal attachment). I have always been interested in social media and how it has grown to become such a huge influence in people's lives. Maybe it's because I didn't get social media until I was in middle school and high school, maybe it's because I immediately made a Taylor Swift fan account, who knows. After I've developed my research, my service aspect will be a presentation about social media and how you can adapt the way you use it to be beneficial and healthy. We're still figuring out the details of how I will be presenting this, whether it's on Summit night or if I do an optional block period for JSA/JAGS Students. This will definitely be later in the year, probably near spring. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at: amcobbs1223@bearworks.jackson.sparcc.org, or visit my capstone section here!