My Learning Journey


I think that in the past I was more confident than now because when I was younger I was less mature and not really into other people's opinion. I didn't have so many thoughts then and I only focused on myself. When I was younger my parents always let me have free time so I was always relaxed and confident. I think that things were not that serious back then so I wasn't as shy as now.


I am a very shy person. I have stage fright. I think that I am always thinking about others opinion and not being positive, but I am a very good leader and I am not nervous when leading or when I know that I am good at this subject.


In the future I will be joining KGV secondary school. I have already been there once and I really enjoy it. I hope that in the future I can overcome my shyness. I also hope I stay in touch with my friends. Also I want to improve myself so that I am not lagging behind with the work and be more better.