WK8 Grid Reflection

(Friday 30th April 2021)

This week I have learned this is actually the last week of exhibition and next week we will be testing. So this week I have been finishing some last stuff on my website and I have also have made my VR better so I can test it on Wednesday. A pat from that I mostly was just finishing some things off on my websites for example some weekly grid reflection and also next Monday we are going to share our innovation idea. Then next Wednesday we are going to show the parents our things that we have done over the past last 8 weeks. Also on Thursday we were writing down what we were going to say when the Y5's ask us the questions about our project. Mostly I have been thinking about the past 8 weeks working on this project and I would just like to say I am so tired of doing this although it was pretty fun when we were making our thing. I didn't like empathising or defining a lot but ideate was better we can think of cool or funny solutions to fix something. I was planning to do 1 last final 3rd test but I didn't have enough time and I din't exactly know what to add in it. I was quite surprised that I could actually catch u because after define I was actually behind but then in a week I finished almost everything I had to finish and then when we were prototyping I felt like I actually went ahead of many people so I am happy I was able to catch up and get ahead of quite a few people.