Innovation Reflection

(Tue 2nd March 2021)

In the 5 ways of well-being, I think it is a bit of keep learning because it is learning how to help deal with it, take notice because he is noticing many people are getting cyberbullied and is doing something about it, and I also think is it connect cause he is connecting with how people feel and is trying to make a difference. The next one was with the girl who misses going to the movies and so she tries to make it feels like she goes to the movie but at home. All movies need a projector so she got one but she also got popcorn and snacks, and she also got her family to watch it with her because it is much better to be with someone that you know than being alone. I think she was taking notice that she can't go and she does it at home but mostly I think she is connecting with her family, watching a movie together