

What i did

This is a flow chart on how to get my first prototype done. While I wait for Alice to do her stuff I am coding the VR part so after she is done researching I can get the information she gathered and then put it in the VR.

Pictures of me and other people testing first time

WHat I did

During snack I was testing my prototype VR to get some feedback, so I can improve my next prototype which I will be doing next week. Some feedback I have gotten is try to make the graphics a better so it won't be blurry.

Ar version of the game

Click me to be able to play it better instead of playing it on the website


This is my feed forward. 1 has not been started because I was waiting for my partner but ran out of time

What this is

This is the AR version. You can look around pressing and holding the mouse. Also if you press the tiger to get information about tigers. If you tap the sign that says "click me for more information about this place" something will come up which is about the rain forest and if you press the button that says "click me for a quiz about everything." It will give you a quiz.

Drawing about VR and how it might work.

What this is

This is a picture about the VR and a bit of a plan. I haven't talked to Mr Lowe on how it works so I didn't know exactly how it would work until I asked him.