
The problem we identified was that people want to learn how to bake different foods, but some people can't go to cooking classes due to the pandemic or they just don't know-how. So our innovation is going to be teaching others how to cook and bake so everyone gets the chance to learn from videos or tutorials. I think this will have an impact on the keep learning area in the 5-ways of well-being because people get to learn how to bake and cook.

Prototype feedback

This is a picture of your writing or a typed piece explaining the feedback you got about your prototype. Aside from the students in class you should also get feedback from someone at home.

People liked that we were giving the chance for people to

cook alone

People wished that we would be able to give more detail about our innovation.

People think I could improve if we made some harder food items.

Overall I am feeling pretty confident about my innovation because cooking isn't a hard thing to do and I feel like it is a great way for families to bond over cooking.

I need to work harder on my exhibition innovation and make sure it is perfect.

My next step is to send out all the videos and the padlet with the ingredients.

These are our delicious mug pizzas. They are very easy to make and taste just like a pizza. click on this link to find out how to make this :).

Here are our incredible S'mores cookies. You should have a adult supervise you if you aren't experienced with baking. Click this link to find out how to make it. (show your amazing creations)

These are our tasty Rice Krispie Treats. They are by far the easiest to make, but you might need some patience for when they are setting. Click the link below to find out how to make these sweat treats.