
Week 3, 8th of march

wellbeing audit

To develop our understanding of how the school impacts on it's community's wellbeing we did an audit. I moved around school with a classmate and took note of things which could positively or negatively impact on well being. I found it interesting that people couldn't think of many ideas, It was surprising to see how much people wrote, I noticed that a lot of people were really confused, It was difficult to not think about the same thing over and over.

Exploring my thinking about what the audit showed

These photos show how I worked collaboratively with my classmates to consider:

1. What might be the strengths and weaknesses of how BHS with regards to nurturing the wellbeing of its community?

2. Which of the elements of wellbeing are clearly being thought about?

Think, Feel, and Care

Here is my thinking about how might respond to the idea that is negatively/positively impacting their wellbeing. I got these ideas by talking to and listening to my partner.

Wellbeing Audit Take 2 at Home

Here are the results of the audit I carried out at home to consider how the people, places, and equipment there impact on the wellbeing of my family. I was not surprised to see that people's balconies were a good spot for taking notice. It made me wonder if there were any other spots in someone's house I need to think about...

Action Ideas

We thought about different action ideas that could affect teachers and students in a good way to help increase the students learning stamina.