By now, you and your child may already be talking about kindergarten. Your child may seem enthusiastic one day, then curious or uncertain the next. As a parent, you may also have mixed emotions about your child's first public education experience.

We want to help you and your child look forward to school with confidence and enthusiasm. As you prepare for the coming year, imagine kindergarten as a place to expand your child's education rather than begin it. Working together, at home and at school, we can help your child develop a love for learning that will last a lifetime.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

How will I know if my child is ready for Kindergarten?

There is no single test, or measure, that guarantees that a child is ready for kindergarten.ย  In general, if your child is five years old by August 31" of the school year, s/he is ready to start school.ย 

What information do I need to know for Kindergarten Registration?

Please do one of the following to submit the required documents:

Required documents:

Will I need to provide Immunization Records?

Washington state law requires students to be immunized before entering school.ย  You can click the link below to see recommended immunization before entering kindergarten.ย 

๐Ÿ‘† Recommended Immunizations for Children Birth-6 years old

Kindergarten Updates

February 12 -2024-2025 New Student Online Enrollment is NOW OPEN.ย 

May 10- Kindergarten placement letters will be mailed (Kindergarten Screenings to be determined.)

September 9 - First day of Kindergarten.

Please click the๐Ÿ‘† Enrollment Home to learn how to begin the registration process.ย