Proof of Residency

OPTION A: You own or rent your home

If you own/rent your home, you must provide ONE of the following items listed below. All addresses on the documents must match the address of your residence.

OPTION B: You are living with another household

If you live with family or friends, please complete a Shared Residence Verification Form.  This form must be filled out by the Homeowner/Lease and returned to the district office or the High School to prove their residency.  

OPTION C: You are house surfing or an unaccompanied youth 

If you are homeless, living in a motel, shelter, transitional housing, in someone else's house or an apartment with another family, moving from place to place (couch surfing), a car, park, campsite, or similar location, in residence with inadequate facilities (no water, heat, electricity, etc... OR If you are an unaccompanied youth (not living with a parent or legal guardian.

You may qualify for services under the McKinney-Vento Act, and you WILL NOT have to provide proof of residence; please get in touch with the counselor at your school or our District's McKinney-Vento Liaison,, 360-757-3311. 

OPTION D: You live outside of Burlington-Edison school boundaries

Do you live outside of our school boundaries but want to attend a school within the Burlington-Edison School District? Please fill out a Choice Transfer Request. An administrator must approve this request for your specific school choice before your application is approved. 

A Choice Transfer request is made when a student wants to attend a school outside of the school district where the student lives. For a Choice Transfer, the resident district must first release the student to start the transfer process. When you have completed your transfer application, your request will be sent to the resident school district.