Most 4 year colleges require students to take the ACT or SAT to show college readiness. Every student in high school will take the ACT for free in spring of their 11th grade year. 

All NC Juniors take the ACT in the spring of their 11th grade year at their high school. 

The test given at the school is free. 

Erwin offers a variety of test prep for 11th graders, including afterschool tutoring and an ACT "Blitz" day when students spend the whole day rotating though various test prep sessions. 

Students are encouraged to take and do their best on the ACT for the following reasons:

Score Reports

When you register for the ACT or SAT, you will choose colleges to which you would like to send your scores at no cost. If you decide to send a score report later, you will most likely have to pay a fee. 

NCAA/NAIA Eligibility

If you are an athlete and want to be NCAA or NAIA eligible, be sure to send a score report to NCAA or NAIA in addition to your colleges.

Test Prep

There are multiple sources for free SAT and ACT preparation.

We suggest Khan Academy for SAT and ACT Academy for ACT. You can also ask for free resources when you register for the ACT.

Test prep is also provided on Naviance.


What is the ACT?

The ACT is an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities when making admissions decision. It is a multiple-choice, timed exam with sections that cover English, Math, Reading and Science.

Why take the ACT?

In general, when you score higher on the ACT, your options for where you go to college and how you will pay for college are expounded. Scholarships and grants can be earned just by earning certain scores on your ACT test.

What score do I need on the ACT?

Many colleges require a composite score of at least a 20. Some require higher, some lower, but you should make a list of your top choices, then visit their website to see your selected schools’ specific requirements.

What if I don't do well?

Prep for the ACT and try again! Studies have shown that students typically perform better on their 2nd attempt. It does not look bad to any college when you take the ACT multiple times. You also get to combine your best scores when you take the ACT more than once! If your English score increases, but your math decreases the second time, then you can take the best of each score when determining your overall composite that is sent to the colleges/universities of your choice.

I'm not planning to go to college. Why should I care about my ACT score?

You never know when your plans might change. Taking the ACT now could help you if you ever decide to go to a college/university. But outside of that, doing your best is a reflection of your integrity and excellence, and you should always strive for that! ACT scores also reflect on our school and are often used to determine funding and classes. If you'd like Erwin to continue to offer students the very best, you should do your best so that your score gets us what we need.

How much does it cost?

Current students will take the ACT in February of their 11th grade year on campus for free. The cost of the ACT can be found through CFNC above. There are fee waivers available. Contact your counselor if you plan to pay for the ACT off campus and think you may qualify for a fee waiver.

How do I study for the ACT?

There are a wide range of resources to help you study for the ACT. First and most importantly, working hard in all of your classes will help you prepare. To get additional help and test-taking strategies, start with the ACT Academy. There are also guides, sample test questions, whole practice tests, and classes you can take.