DACA & Latin-X College Planning

The North Carolina Hispanic College Fund


The NCSHP established this charitable fund at Triangle Community Foundation to benefit Hispanic students in North Carolina. We realize that the high cost of college tuition is often a major factor that students evaluate when considering a college education. The North Carolina Hispanic College Fund (NCHCF) awards annual scholarships worth between $500 and $3,000 to help students who desire to attend college pay for their education. Scholarships recipients are recent graduates of North Carolina high schools who are of Hispanic/Latino background. Recipients of the NC Hispanic College Fund scholarship must enroll in a degree program at a community college or a 2 or 4-year college/university and be committed to public service and community development.

2021-2022 Scholarship Cycle: November 1, 2021 – January 15, 2022

Important Dates:

​November 1, 2021

NCHCF Application Process Opens

January 15, 2022

Deadline to apply.

This year, applications will be available ONLINE. Applications must be submitted no later than December 15, 2021, by 11:59 PM and supporting documents must arrive at the office by the deadline. If applications or supporting documents arrive after the deadline, they will not be accepted.

February 2022

NCHCF Selection Committee meets to determine recipients.

March 2022

Recipients are notified and award announcements are mailed.


All applicants and scholarship recipients may re-apply for up to 3 years. To obtain a renewal, the recipient must provide the NC Hispanic College Fund Committee with a renewal application, an official transcript and proof of enrollment for the following academic year prior to the start of the new school year.

Additional Scholarships within the NC Hispanic College Fund

*** Note if you are applying for any of the following scholarships on your application.***

Duke Energy Hispanics in Engineering Scholarship

The “Duke Energy Hispanics in Engineering”, established by Duke Energy Foundation, will benefit Hispanic students that plan to enroll at a four-year college or a university and pursue an engineering major. This Scholarship is also available to students pursuing a two-year community college program in the fields of Engineering Technologists and Relay Technicians. Applications are available to all students in NC's high schools that are of Hispanic/Latino background. Students applying to a “Duke Energy Hispanics in Engineering Scholarship” should mark the corresponding box in the NC Hispanic College Fund application.

  • Recipients of Duke Energy Scholarships will be awarded only to students that officially enroll in an engineering program. Proof of enrollment and claim of major will be requested. DO NOT SELECT THIS SCHOLARSHIP IF YOU ARE NOT PLANNING TO ENROLL IN A COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY WITH AN ENGINEERING PROGRAM. Please be prepared to provide necessary documentation proving that you are pursuing an engineering-related major.

“Juntos Program” Scholarship

The “Juntos Program” scholarship is funded by donations to the Juntos Program at NC State University. The scholarship is for applicants that have participated in the Juntos program within the last 2 years in one or more of the following areas: Juntos 4-H Club and/or Afterschool Program, Family Engagement Workshops, mentoring and or success coaching, Juntos Academy, Juntos college mentor, and Juntos Academy Team Captain.

College Foundation of North Carolina:


CFNC le ayuda a que usted o su hijo alcancen una educación universitaria. Ya sea que usted o su hijo quieran ir a una universidad de dos o cuatro años, pública o privada, nosotros estamos aquí para ayudarles a planificar, aplicar y financiar la universidad.

College and Consejos Service:


A new and important college education support resource for our Latinx community. College y Consejos (please read more about the program and the services for 11th & 12th grade students) has been in the triangle area for a number of years and has recently expanded services statewide and is also partnering with myFutureNC and First in FAFSA on FAFSA initiatives with the Latinx community. College y Consejos is a free online college advising space that centers cultura y comunidad for Latinx students in North Carolina. Are you interested in learning more about how we can help you with your college application process? Do you want to be a part of nuestra comunidad as you work towards your goals? We would love to meet you! Please sign up for a brief one-on-one conversation with one of our Virtual Coaches below to learn more about College y Consejos! After this initial meeting, you will have access to our Facebook community & resources. We look forward to learning more about you and tus sueños!

Undocumented Friendly College Opportunities:

Undocumented Friendly Colleges: This page shares Nation-Wide colleges that provide opportunities to DACA students.


Finding and getting into the right college or university can be a daunting task, but it can also lead to extremely rewarding opportunities for career and personal advancement. There are many national programs and state laws that allow undocumented students to attend the college of their choosing. The following guide aims to help these students navigate the many exciting options available to them, in order to reach their educational goals.


Hamilton University


What is Hamilton’s financial aid policy regarding undocumented students?

Because undocumented students (including those who have DACA status) are not eligible for federal financial aid, Hamilton’s policy is to review their applications with our international applicant pool and consider them for the financial aid dollars that are set aside for that population. In keeping with Hamilton’s generous financial aid policy for international students, for those undocumented students who are admitted, Hamilton will meet 100 percent of their demonstrated financial need.

Berea College


Apply as an International Student/International Application for Admission and Scholarship Packet. The Fall 2022 application will become available in the summer of 2021.

Berea College has a long history of welcoming students of all nationalities, religious faiths, races, and ethnicities. If you come to Berea, you will surely be welcomed. Admission to Berea College is competitive, and you will need to meet certain requirements to be considered. Please contact us with any questions. We are happy to assist you during your college search!

All of the following items are in the packet above, and must be mailed together to the Office of Admissions:

International Application for Admission and Scholarship form.

International Personal Essay and Essay Cover Sheet.

Copy of official secondary school records. DO NOT SEND ORIGINALS.

Personal Statement of Financial Circumstances.

International Financial Questionnaire (IFQ).

International Financial Recommendation Form.

Two (2) Admission Recommendation forms, at least one of which should be written by a current or former teacher.

Copy of official scores from at least one of the following exams: TOEFL, IELTS, ACT or SAT. You should register and take the test early in order include a copy of your scores in your packet and to meet the deadline.

Scholarship Opportunities:




At TheDream.US, we’re working to help 6,000 highly motivated DREAMers graduate from college with career-ready degrees. DREAMers are immigrant youth who came to this country at a very young age without documentation. Despite the fact that this is the only country they have ever known––they’ll receive no federal aid to go to college, have limited access to state aid, and often face paying out-of-state tuition.


**They do not ask for or require Citizenship

Founded in 1994, QuestBridge is a national nonprofit based in Palo Alto, California that connects the nation’s most exceptional, low-income youth with leading colleges and opportunities. By working with these students — beginning in high school through college to their first job —QuestBridge aims to increase the percentage of talented low-income students attending the nation’s best colleges and to support them to achieve success in their careers and communities.

The vast majority of high-achieving, low-income students do not apply to selective colleges or universities. The right information can change the way outstanding low-income students see their future. To these exceptional students to help them understand that an education at a top college is possible— and affordable. Gain admission with full scholarships or generous financial aid to QuestBridge college partners.

Oportunidades universitarias amistosas indocumentadas:

Colegios Amistosos Indocumentados: Esta página comparte universidades de todo el país que brindan oportunidades a los estudiantes de DACA.


Encontrar y entrar en la universidad o universidad adecuada puede ser una tarea desalentadora, pero también puede conducir a oportunidades extremadamente gratificantes para la carrera y el progreso personal. Hay muchos programas nacionales y leyes estatales que permiten a los estudiantes indocumentados asistir a la universidad de su elección. La siguiente guía tiene como objetivo ayudar a estos estudiantes a navegar por las muchas opciones emocionantes disponibles para ellos, con el fin de alcanzar sus metas educativas.


Universidad de Hamilton


¿Cuál es la política de ayuda financiera de Hamilton con respecto a los estudiantes indocumentados?

Debido a que los estudiantes indocumentados (incluyendo aquellos que tienen el estatus DACA) no son elegibles para la ayuda financiera federal, la política de Hamilton es revisar sus solicitudes con nuestro grupo internacional de solicitantes y considerarlos para los dólares de ayuda financiera que se reservan para esa población. De acuerdo con la generosa política de ayuda financiera de Hamilton para estudiantes internacionales, para aquellos estudiantes indocumentados que son admitidos, Hamilton cumplirá con el 100 por ciento de su necesidad financiera demostrada.

Berea College


Solicitar como Estudiante Internacional/Solicitud Internacional de Admisión y Paquete de Becas

La aplicación de otoño de 2022 estará disponible en el verano de 2021.

Berea College tiene una larga historia de acoger a estudiantes de todas las nacionalidades, religiones, razas y etnias. Si vienes a Berea, seguramente serás bienvenido. La admisión a Berea College es competitiva, y usted tendrá que cumplir con ciertos requisitos para ser considerado. Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros con cualquier pregunta. ¡Estamos encantados de ayudarle durante su búsqueda en la universidad!

Todos los siguientes elementos están en el paquete anterior y deben enviarse juntos a la Oficina de Admisiones:

Formulario de Solicitud Internacional de Admisión y Beca.

Hoja de Portada Internacional de Ensayo Personal y Ensayo.

Copia de los registros oficiales de la escuela secundaria. NO ENVIAR ORIGINALES.

Estado Personal de Circunstancias Financieras.

Cuestionario Financiero Internacional (IFQ).

Formulario de Recomendación Financiera Internacional.

Dos (2) formularios de recomendación de admisión, al menos uno de los cuales debe ser escrito por un maestro actual o anterior.

Copia de las puntuaciones oficiales de al menos uno de los siguientes exámenes: TOEFL, IELTS, ACT o SAT. Debe registrarse y tomar la prueba temprano para incluir una copia de sus puntuaciones en su paquete y para cumplir con la fecha límite.

Oportunidades de Becas:




En TheDream.US, estamos trabajando para ayudar a 6,000 DREAMers altamente motivados a graduarse de la universidad con títulos listos para su carrera. LOS DREAMers son jóvenes inmigrantes que llegaron a este país a una edad muy temprana sin documentación.

A pesar del hecho de que este es el único país que han conocido, no recibirán ayuda federal para ir a la universidad, tendrán acceso limitado a la ayuda estatal y a menudo se enfrentarán a pagar la matrícula fuera del estado.