
Zoom information and best practices

  1. This a reminder to not post meeting links/passwords or classroom codes on public sites or on social media posts. Require a meeting password, use the waiting room, do not let attendees join before the host, and communicate links via email, calendar invitations, and non-public channels

  2. Remind students not to share the meeting login and password information.

  3. Check each name/UID number carefully prior to admitting from the Waiting Room.

  4. If someone is trying to join in the middle of the class check the name closely before deciding whether or not to admit and be ready to remove immediately.

  5. Zoom can only be "installed from Windows Software Center". It can't be downloaded and students can't "sign up" for a Zoom account on their BCS supplied device. Students do not have a Zoom account yet, unless it is their personal Zoom account. Please make sure you are not accidentally instructing students to "download" or "login" to or "install" Zoom. Make it clear that they will be able to join your Zoom meeting link only after they have "installed Zoom from Windows Software Center" (if not done previously). If they are new to BCS or have been issued a new device it may take over an hour (or way over an hour depending on their Internet connection) for the Software Center to populate with applications (including Zoom).

Updates and Zoom


Change from Tablet Mode

Tablet Mode