Login Information

Login Reminders

Please help communicate student passwords and login usernames (e.g. the Microsoft/Zscaler login prompt is UID@k12bcs.net)

When an NCEDCLOUD password is updated/changed it may take 15+ minutes for the password to sync with a machine. The machine must be on and connected to the Internet in order to get the password sync. Note: Initial profile login to a new device is now supported over the public Internet, but if the profile is already on the machine and the student has forgotten their password and had to change it via my.NCEdCloud.org it takes several minutes to sync with our Azure Active Directory and then the device.

Remind students that they access their BCS Google accounts via my.ncedcloud.org and not mail.google.com (blocked as Webmail) as we start another school year (and homework gets emailed timely).

Student Login Matrix

Staff Login Matrix

Staff Login Matrix