Language & Publications

Fox Lane Newspaper

Adviser: Ms. Frindt

Fridays, Library

The Newspaper Club produces the official student newspaper of Fox Lane High School, The Fox Lane Times! Together, we report on events happening in our school, across the nation, and around the world to keep our school community informed; we also publish creative writing, poetry, puzzles, comics, and visual art. Printing and distributing the new edition of The Fox Lane Times at the end of each semester is the ultimate highlight of our collaborative and creative club. 

Google Classroom: g2adzq6


ASL Club

Adviser: Mrs. Binger

1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, Library Loft

In the ASL Club, we strive to learn American Sign Language through videos, songs, and other mediums. Members work together to choose topics for each club meeting/lesson, learn about the deaf community, work to understand the importance of ASL and bring some of these lessons to the greater Fox Lane community. 

Google Classroom: 5bervhg 

Language Club

Adviser: Mrs. Pirone

Every other Friday, A125

Join us to learn about different languages and cultures around the world! 

Google Classroom: k7romkk 

Fox Trails


Advisers: Mr. Whalen & Ms. Olson

Tuesdays & Fridays, ART OFFICES

The Fox Trails Yearbook creates the yearbook for our school. We always need more dedicated members for positions in layout, business, and content collection.

Google Classroom: d3xnkbe 




Adviser: Ms. Kuhlmann 

Every other Tuesday, Hillside Room 1

The Hillside Yearbook Club works throughout the year to create a yearbook that celebrates our amazing community, the events we participate in, and our successes. During meetings we design the format and theme of the yearbook and consider which images to include. 

Google Classroom: N/A