Government & Philosophy 

Model Congress

Adviser: Ms. Gallagher

Thursday, A313

Model Congress is a club where we act as the United States Senate would in debating and passing mock bills that apply directly to the United States. These bills can be drafted by any member of the club, according to a certain format. One Senator acts as the Chair, which involves moderating the debate, timing each speech, and making certain decisions about the order of how the debate will go. At the end of the debate, the Model Congress votes on the bill, giving each senator the option to vote in favor, against, or abstain from voting on the bill. 

Google Classroom: m3wmwgi

Debate Society

Adviser: Mr. Martinez

Thursdays, A112

We meet weekly to facilitate open discussion-style debates about current topics. We encourage all club members to request any topics they would like for debate, and the main aim is to open up all of our perspectives. 

Google Classroom: gozxtnr 

Philosophy Club

Adviser: Mr. Whalen

Every other Thursday, A112

The Fox Lane Philosophy Club is: 

1. a place where thoughtful students can gather to learn new things and explore new ideas; 

2. an adventure in being reflective persons within a community where everyone is both a teacher and a student—a community of inquiry;

3. a thinking community which welcomes all ideas and encourages participants to develop self confidence in their own thinking and speaking. 

Google Classroom: 6ybtl7k