BCS SM-ITAM Annual Conference

Automating value

How do we optimise for better outcomes?

Tuesday 19th - Thursday 21st October 2021

Join us for 9 virtual sessions over 3 days plus a pre-recorded keynote

This year's buzzword is automation - whether it's AI, or RPA, or IoT, not to mention a dash of ITIL® , VeriSM® and SAFe® , there's a multitude of acronyms out there promising faster and better for all!

At this year's conference, the BCS SM-ITAM group will be asking ourselves what is the role of automation in improving IT Service Management and ITAM and driving better outcomes. We'll be exploring what all these acronyms mean in the real world for both ITSM and ITAM, as well as how our increasingly digital world is forcing us to re-evaluate our sense of what 'good' outcomes even mean!

Doctoral Researcher, Edinburgh Business School,

Heriot Watt University

Beyond annoying ads: useful ideas from digital marketing

Digital Marketing has earned a somewhat bad reputation for invading digital privacy and other “annoying” practices. Though this reputation is partially well-deserved, digital marketing activities are not limited to advertising and spam e-mails. With the focus on needs, wants and interests of the customers, marketing function penetrates all the client-facing and product design roles in a modern organisation, and is highly relevant to service management in IT. In her keynote presentation, Elena shares some ideas and recent developments from digital marketing research that BCS SM-ITAM specialists my find useful.

Elena Shevchenko is a digital marketing researcher and educator with a special interest in online consumer engagement, and digital technology adoption in marketing. She has been teaching a range of marketing and business communication courses for universities in Dubai and the UK. Before moving into academia, Elena worked as a marketing professional in hospitality and higher education in Dubai.