Frequently Asked Question

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where is the school located?

A: 5207 Roland Ave, Baltimore MD 21210. We are in Roland Park near the corner of Roland Ave and Northern Parkway.

Q: How can I contact the school?

A: The main office numbers are 410-396-6420 and 410-396-6421. The elementary office number is 410-396-6455, the sixth grade office is 410-396-6416, the seventh grade office is 410-396-6417, and the eighth grade office is 410-396-6410.

Q: How do I find out when the school is closed?

A: All pre-planned closings mandated by the school system are noted in the school calendar.

Q: What are the school hours?

A: Elementary School begins at 8:00 am. Students may enter the cafeteria at 7:30 am for breakfast. Students must be seated in their classrooms by 8:10 am, when morning announcements start. Students arriving past 8:15 am must get a late pass in the elementary office. School ends at 2:40 pm.

A: Middle School doors open at 8:15 am. Students may enter the cafeteria at 7:30 am for breakfast. If they are not having breakfast, sixth graders line up on the stairs near the main entrance. Seventh graders enter by the cafeteria doors in the back of the school, and eighth graders enter through the doors by the gym. School ends at 2:55 p.m.

Q: Are students required to wear uniforms?

A: Yes. The school uniform is navy blue top and khaki bottom. Uniform shirts with the RPEMS logo are available for purchase from the PTA.

Q: Who attends Roland Park school?

A: The elementary school, grades Pre-K-5, serves the students in its residential zone. In addition to serving students in its residential zone, the middle school offers two city wide programs: Advanced Academics and The Ingenuity program. Any Baltimore City middle school student can apply to these programs.

Q: What is the attendance policy?

A: Students are responsible for arriving at school on time every day and for attending every class. Parents are responsible for making sure their children attend school every day, for maintaining regular contact with school, and for sending a note to school explaining the reason for absence or lateness.

Q: How much do breakfast and lunch cost?

A: Breakfast and lunch are free for all students. The cost of lunch for adults is $3.00.

Q: Is there before or after school care available?

A. Yes. Fitness Fun and Games runs a before-school program that begins at 7:00 am. They also run an after-school program for fourth through eighth graders. A separate program, the privately run After School Program, provides supervision for students grades K-3. Information about these programs is available in the Main Office.

Q: What is the policy for visiting the school?

A. All visitors must enter through the main doors at the front of the building. All visitors are required to sign in at the main office and get a badge. If you would like to visit a teacher, please make an appointment prior to coming to school.