Student Drop Off and Pick up
Student safety is a major priority of our RPEMS Community.
In order ensure a safe and organized drop-off and pick-up experience please adhere to the following RPEMS traffic policies:
Double parking is not allowed at any time on Roland Avenue. Double parking is illegal in Baltimore City and our school police will enforce this law when and if necessary.
Parking is prohibited on Roland Ave. during the hours indicated on the traffic signs. Drivers are not permitted to park on Roland Avenue in front of school and leave their car unattended to walk students up to the school doors.
Drivers dropping students off on Roland Avenue are expected to pull vehicles as far north on Roland Avenue as possible to allow others to pull close behind, thus utilizing all available curb space.
Drop-off should take no longer than 30 seconds. Please make sure your child or children exit the car on the right hand curb side.
To avoid the most congested time of morning drop-off, consider sending your child to our free breakfast program. Supervised breakfast is available starting at 7:30 am every morning in the cafeteria.
Only staff members with the appropriate parking tag are allowed to enter the school lot and park on school grounds between the hours of 7:15 am and 3:15 pm.