Magic English

At BCKPS we want to cater for all levels of English. Therefore, we recently started an afternoon English club called 'Magic English'. This is a program aimed towards students with an already high level of English. We hope to give these students more opportunity to use English in a fun and authentic setting, as well as to develop and enrich their language skills.

'Magic English' blends English with many other topics and subjects such as STEM, history and art. We focus on a different topic each week and use lots of different and exciting activities such as songs, crafts and even science experiments!

So far, due to Covid and school closures, our Magic English lessons have been conducted via Zoom. However, we have all still had loads of fun and would like to share some of the songs and experiment videos with you here...stay Magical! ^_^

Experiment: 'Bubbling Planets' (as part of the 'Space' Magic English lesson)

Experiment: 'A Salty Experiment' (as part of the 'Under the Sea' Magic English lesson)

Experiment: 'A Milk Galaxy' (as part of the 'Space' Magic English lesson)

Songs: A collection of songs about our solar system (by 'StoryBots')