
English idioms are a great way to make your English sound more interesting, and are fun to use! Idioms usually have a meaning that is not related to the words that make them, so they can seem funny or strange. However, they can be easy to learn and use, which is why we have been teaching lots of great idioms to our students! For each idiom, teachers present the meaning during school assembly and also put up special posters in the classrooms and online. Here are the beautiful posters for you to read and learn more idioms, along with some of the assembly videos presented online!

New Idiom- 'Couch Potato'!

It's a new school year, so time for more great idioms to learn! The first one this year is "couch potato". If you are a couch potato, it means you are a very lazy and inactive person. For example, "Andy is getting very unfit because he is a couch potato and plays computer games all day."

Don't forget there will be new idiom poster for 'couch potato' in classrooms, and you can also listen to Ms. Shorina read the story "The Couch Potato", written by Jory John and illustrated by Pete Oswald! ^_^

"Go Bananas for English!"- New Idiom Booklet!

In celebration of idioms previously taught, and to promote their use, our English team has published a new booklet- "Go Bananas for English!" It contains 26 different idioms that we have taught over the last few years, along with stories, poems and games based on those idioms. We hope that everyone will love reading this beautiful book and be able to use more fun idioms in their written and spoken English! ^_^

Video to present the idiom "Speak Your Mind" (by Mr. Edwards)

Video to present the idiom "Let the Cat Out of the Bag" (by Ms. Binal)

Below are some of the posters created for the idioms we have taught during school assemblies: