DUE 05/12/23

Email a single document with all of your maps and text to josh.seim@bc.edu.


Produce a “theory map” and written answer (approximately 250-500 words) for one of the following questions:

  1. What might Robinson say to Mies about capitalist patriarchy?

  1. What might Wilson say to Collins about the domains of power?

  1. What might Davis say to MacKinnon about the relation between feminism and Marxism?


Produce a “theory map” and written answer (approximately 250-500 words) for one of the following questions:

  1. What might Robinson or Wilson say to Du Bois about racism and capitalism?

  1. What might Mies or MacKinnon say to Beauvoir about women’s liberation?

  1. What might Davis or Collins say to Cooper about Americanism?


Draw on any of our theorists to write a reaction (approximately 250-500 words) to one of the following essays:

  1. Post’s “Beyond Racial Capitalism”

  1. Boyce Davies’s “A Black Left Feminist View on Cedric Robinson’s Black Marxism

  1. Jack’s “William Julius Wilson and the Study of the ‘New’ Diversity Elite Colleges”

  1. Bonilla-Silva’s “The Structure of Racism in Color-Blind, ‘Post Racial’ America”

  1. Hearn’s “Witches and Bitches”

  1. Prügl’s “Home-Based Workers”

  1. Stacey and Thorne’s “The Missing Feminist Revolution in Sociology”

  1. Stein and Plummer’s “‘Queer’ Theory and the Missing Sexual Revolution in Sociology”

  1. Bhambra’s “Sociology and Postcolonialism: Another ‘Missing’ Revolution?”

  1. Any chapter from Black Feminist Sociology (edited by Luna and Pirtle)