Attendance and participation in seminar are integral to your success in this course. You must come to class prepared to discuss the assigned readings as well as your memo. You must also lead one to two discussions that put "contemporary theory" in conversation with "classical theory." Click here for details.


You are required to submit ten short memos. These should be about 250 to 500 words each. Weekly memos are not summaries. They are opportunities for you to critique the readings, raise questions, and put theorists in conversation. You must submit memos here by 12:00pm on the day of the corresponding seminar.


Your performance on two take-home exams will determine half of your grade in the course. Both exams are posted here. Additional instructions and requirements will be provided in seminar.


You’ll select one unassigned theorist to read on your own as the class progresses. At the of the semester, you’ll submit a short essay (approximately 3,000 words) and at least one theory map to be posted here. You must write your essay so that it can be easily integrated into the website structure. See the submission instructions here on what to include. You are strongly encouraged to recruit another student to edit your submission since it will be made public. I am also happy to provide feedback on drafts.