DUE 03/24/23

Email a single document with all of your maps and text to josh.seim@bc.edu.


Produce a “theory map” and written answer (approximately 250-500 words) for one of the following questions:

  1. What might Gramsci say to Fanon about decolonization?

  1. What might Foucault say to Bourdieu about habitus?

  1. What might Bauman say to Swidler about culture and un/settled periods?


Produce a “theory map” and written answer (approximately 250-500 words) for one of the following questions:

  1. What might Fanon or Gramsci say to Marx and Engels about class struggle?

  1. What might Bourdieu or Foucault say to Durkheim about consciousness?

  1. What might Swidler or Bauman say to Weber about social action?


Draw on any of our theorists to write a reaction (approximately 250-500 words) to one of the following articles or essays:

  1. Salem’s “Gramsci in the Postcolony”

  1. Burawoy’s “For a Sociological Marxism”

  1. Von Holdt’s “The Violence of Orders, Orders of Violence: Between Fanon and Bourdieu”

  1. Alford’s “What Would It Matter If Everything Foucault Said About Prison Were Wrong?”

  1. Caluya’s “The Post-Panoptic Society?”

  1. Emirbayer’s “Manifesto for a Relational Sociology”

  1. Wacquant’s “For a Sociology of Flesh and Blood”

  1. Clegg and Baumeler’s “From Iron Cages to Liquid Modernity in Organization Analysis”

  1. Vaisey’s “Motivation and Justification”

  1. Lizardo and Strand’s “Skills, Toolkits, Contexts, and Institutions”