Please complete this survey before 12pm on January 23rd. I can't guarantee that you will be assigned one of your top choices, but I'll keep your preferences in mind.


Josh: Gramsci and Marx and Engels

Jon: Fanon and Marx and Engels

Jared: Foucault and Durkheim

Jiayu: Bourdieu and Durkheim

Taekyeong: Bauman and Weber

Viet: Swidler and Weber

Yifeng: Robinson and Du Bois

Meghan: Wilson and Du Bois

Josh: Mies and Beauvoir

Shuangshuang: MacKinnon and Beauvoir

Babatunde: Davis and Cooper

Jamie: Collins and Cooper


Plan to facilitate a 30-minute conversation.

Start by presenting an argument on what your contemporary theorist (e.g., Gramsci) might say to the corresponding classical theorist (e.g., Marx and Engels) and vice versa.

Invite feedback on your argument. Keep an open mind.

Point to at least one quote from the contemporary theorist and at least on quote from the classical theorist.

Theory maps are optional.

You are welcome to meet with me in advance to discuss your argument.

Hint: keep the exam questions in mind.