Planning for the Future

Webinar: Harnessing the Power of ChatGPT in Education - Supporting Self-Directed and Project-Based Learning with ChatGPT

Curious about the potential of AI in education? LLA former employee and founder of Stanfield Consulting, Michelle Stanfield explores how ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for supporting self-directed learning in your classroom and will demonstrate how to help students learn more effectively and engage more deeply in their projects by using ChatGPT. 

LLA Webinar_Supporting Self-Directed and Project-Based Learning with ChatGPT.mp4

Webinar: Harnessing the Power of ChatGPT in Education - Demystifying ChatGPT 

Curious about the potential of AI in education? LLA former employee and founder of Stanfield Consulting, Michelle Stanfield explores the fundamentals of generative AI and its implications for teaching and learning. In this webinar, Michelle will debunk myths, discuss AI ethics, and she will share how ChatGPT can be a game-changer in the classroom. Don't miss this opportunity to demystify AI and embrace its transformative possibilities! 

LLA Webinar_DeMystifying ChatGPT.mp4

Webinar: learning about your community as a new school leader

LLA alum, former principal, and Leadership Coach, Ed Brewster, will discuss the impact of entry actions and launch to the school year on a leader's ability to learn their community, build credibility, and earn trust. A great session for first year principals OR principals in a new building.

Learning about your Community as a New School Leader Webinar.mp4


Cohort X alum Kristi Lucks shares structures created and implemented to improve instruction around literacy practices and grade level standards-aligned tasks across content areas.  Participants also examined how one can leverage adaptive leadership moves to improve instruction with individual teachers. 

Kristi Lucks Webinar Alumni PD 10.27.21 Edited.mp4

Webinar: Leading adaptively through strategic planning 

Cohort IX alum Andrew O’Brien supports participants to think through the intentional moves necessary both to develop strategic plans that serve equity in the context and to ensure broad buy-in to them for SY2021-22. Drawing on the approach used in his high school, which moves work through multiple levels of leaders, the session provides a model to consider as participants identify takeaways to apply as they lead adaptively in their own contexts.

Leading Adaptively Through Strategic Planning.mp4

webinar: Strategically Planning for SY 2021-22 to Serve Equitably

Cohort VI alum Farida Mama Graham leads webinar participants through an examination of the ways that KIPP Academy Lynn Middle School is gaining momentum and buy in through strategic pilots in the school year ‘21, and now leveraging unfinished business to lay the foundation for priority planning for school year 2021 -22. 

Slide Deck 

6 May, 2021 - Loom Recording.mp4

webinar: Strategically planning for the 2021-22 School Year

LLA Leadership Coach Eileen McLaughlin leads participants to use the LLA Strategic Planning Tool to reflect on the work of the 2020-21 school year and to begin planning for 2021-22. As schools and districts begin to plan to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, strategic planning is imperative to operate within what Ronald Heifetz would call the "adaptive phase." In this phase of a crisis, "[Organizations] must execute in order to meet today's challenges. And they must adapt what and how things get done in order to thrive in tomorrow's world." In using the LLA Strategic Planning Tool, you will consider how to involve stakeholders in doing this analysis and in the planning process to address identified gaps. You will be supported to consider how to best take inventory of the assets in your community in order that you might better leverage these in service of addressing equity gaps. The webinar will also allow time to consider how progress might be monitored as the community engages in the work.

Alumni webinar: holding onto Covid-era leadership learning as we move forward

LLA Cohort VIII alum Glenda Colón supports watchers through a process of reflecting on the new practices, experiences, and orientations that the crisis of COVID-19 demanded we adopt. She shares learnings from her school as she supports us to reflect on the adaptations and new approaches that are emerging or normalized in our own contexts as we evaluate which new ways of doing the work should be sustained beyond the COVID-era. Watchers will also consider resource implications for our thinking and begin to think through next steps that must be taken through the end of this year to sustain and deepen these practices.

Alumni Webinar: 5 key Learnings from launching the school year virtually

One month into his virtual school year as the principal of Renee & Meyer Luskin High School in Los Angeles, Cohort IV Alum Andrew Vega shares what he learned from that experience. This video will give you the opportunity to learn about the high level learnings and nitty gritty details Principal Vega wishes he knew before his school community launched their year.

Eventually schools will reopen. Here’s how principals can prepare.

Check out this Op-Ed co-written by LLA Executive Director Jenne Colasacco in Education Dive on what school leaders can do now to prepare for the reopening of schools.

Entry in the midst of remote learning

LLA LED Akosua Osei-Bobie shares thinking that helps school leaders prepare to strategically learn about their context for next school year. If you are entering a new role or context for the 2020-21 school year, or are just rethinking how to get clarity on your existing context to launch next school year effectively as we close the current one remotely, this 7-minute video may inform your thinking.

Alumni Spotlight: Planning for Next Year through the Uncertainty of COVID-19

LLA Cohort VI alum Farida Mama Graham, Principal of KIPP Academy Lynn Middle School, shares best practices for planning for the 2020-21 school year through COVID-19. View the content from the webinar she hosted below. Investigate the resources she shares in the video through the slides from the session.

Planning for Next Year.mp4
Learning about your Community as a New School Leader Webinar.mp4