Researchers R-S

Laya Raghav

Impacts of Music on Mental Health & Self-Esteem

All female high school students are invited to participate!

Participants will be asked to either listen to two 3-5 minute songs or read two 300-500 word passages and answer short questions. They will also be asked to rate statements using a slider throughout the study and answer a few open-ended questions.

When: Monday 02/05 or Tuesday 02/06 after school from 2:50 to 3:20 (participants may choose any one day)

Where: LGI (maybe)

To participate...

Snacks will be provided and all participants will receive one service hour for participating. Thank you for supporting student research!

Kara Sabo

Investigating Music's Emotive Evolution

Participants will be listening to the choruses of top hits from each decade, and then they will fill out a form that asks participants to relay what emotion they felt the music conveyed. 

Please fill out this consent form (please have a signed paper copy to hand in to me) and RSVP to the signupgenius if you plan on attending!

When: Tues, Jan 30th 

Where: LGI

Bonuses: There will be snacks! and 1 service hour granted!

Colette Sarli-Freeman

The Perception of Speakers

**Participation is open to all high school students**


What you will be asked to do:

Participants will receive one hour of service for participation and snacks will be provided!

To participate...

1) Add your name to the Interest Form

2) Make a copy of the Informed Consent Form and please bring it with you to the study signed and dated

3) Check email for further communications regarding study specifications.

Skylar Speeth

Cortisol Levels and Explicit Memory Performance

**Participation is open to all high school students and faculty**


What you will be asked to do:

Participants will receive one hour of service for participation, and   DONUTS 🍩 will be provided after the initial morning session! 

*Specific times will be tailored to participant availability throughout the school day.


More Information and specifics on what will be asked of participants can be found on the General Information &  Informed Consent Form. 

Specific locations and times will be communicated through further communication. 


To participate...

1) Add your name to the Interest Form 

2) Make a copy of the General Information & Informed Consent Form and send/share the completed form in the form of a digital document (ex. Google Doc, PDF, Word, etc.) to by February 8th, 2024.

3) Check email for further communications regarding study specifications. 

Any questions or concerns can be sent to Thank you for your support and participation in student-led research!