Language Arts

Reader's Workshop

“The Reading Workshop is a teaching method in which the goal is to teach students strategies for reading and comprehension. The workshop model allows teachers to differentiate and meet the needs of all their students.”

For our readers, we open the space for students to choose the books they read. By doing so, we meet students where they are in terms of their interests and abilities.

We teach the reader, not the book. Readers must predict, visualize, infer, comprehend, analyze, and evaluate. These are all skills we model and teach in readers’ workshop.


Launch-Building stamina, establishing routines, understanding ourselves as readers

Unit 1 : Reading nonfiction

Unit 2 : Bigger Books-Amping up reading power

Unit 3 : Series Book Clubs

Unit 4: Researching Across Texts-Nonfiction Cover to Cover

Major assessments:

  • Benchmark test

  • DRA test

  • i Ready

Minor assessments:

  • spelling quizzes

  • vocabulary notebooks

  • reading notebook

  • center work

  • classwork